© UTASA - United Towing Association of South Africa : Website Design
Warning to Motorists Waarskuwing aan Motoriste
Tel. 08611 UTASA - 08611 88272
CK 2006/031990/08
Motorist are advised that the towing industry in South Africa is not regulated neither are there any set rates for towing accident damaged or mechanical breakdown vehicles. The towing associations however have negotiated, agreed on preferential tow rates with their business partners and these towing rates differ from one entity to the next dependant on the agreement reached. Uninsured motorist are cautioned not to sign blank documents at accident scenes as this is tantamount to giving the towing operator a blank signed cheque to fill in at his or her own discretion. The motorist should insist, on accident scene, that the amounts or rates be stipulated on the tow authorisation document before vehicle is towed. Should the motorist have the agreed funds available then preferentially the vehicle be towed to the motorist’s home. Motorists have been known to pay anything between R450.00 to R3000.00 for a tow dependant on the circumstances and storage fees ranging from R50.00 to R250.00 per day with additional charges for administration and security. The motorist would do well to obtain some sort of roadside assistance plan / insurance for protection against exploitation by unscrupulous tow operators. There are reputable companies offering roadside assistance packages at an affordable monthly or yearly fee, and the motorist is advised to research and join one of these. It would also be advisable to contact insurance companies like Santam, Hollard and Zurich and enquire as to whether they offer stand alone packages of this nature. Websites >> here Failing all else contact one of the associations call centre’s for assistance UTASA’s number is 0861 188272. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motoriste moet kennis neem dat die Insleepindustrie in Suid Afrika nie gereguleer is nie, en ook dat daar nie 'n tariewe struktuur in plek is vir die insleep van voertuie wat in ongelukke beskadig is of weens meganiese probleme onklaar geraak het nie. Die Insleepvereeniging het egter met hulle besigheidsvennote onderhandel en ooreengekom op 'n gunstige tariefstruktuur. Hierdie tariewe wissel egter tussen entiteite afhangend van die tariewe waarvoor daar onderhandel is. Motoriste wat nie verseker is nie word gewaarsku om nie oningevulde dokumente op 'n ongelukstoneel te onderteken nie, aangesien dit aan die insleepdiensoperateur 'n blanko tjek gee om op eie oordeel bedrae in te vul vir dienste gelewer. Die motoris moet op die ongelukstoneel daarop aandring dat alle fooie volledig op die magtigingsdokument ingevul word voordat die voertuig gesleep word. Indien die motoris die nodige fondse beskikbaar het, beveel ons aan dat die motor na die motoris se woonplek gesleep word. Gevalle het voorgekom waar die motoris enige iets tussen R450.00 tot R3000.00 vir 'n insleepdiens betaal het, afhangend van die omstandighede en bergingsfooie wat kan wissel van R50.00 tot R250.00 per dag, met addisionele heffings vir administrasie en sekuriteit. Dit word aanbeveel dat alle motoriste een of ander tipe nood/onklaar ondersteuningplan of versekering uitneem teen gewetenlose insleepdiensoperateurs wat die motoriste uitbuit tydens 'n ongeluk of noodsituasie. Daar is gevestigde en erkende versekeringsmaatskappye wat verskeie bekostigbare nood ondersteuningspakette aanbied teen 'n maandelikse of jaarlikse tarief. Die motoris word aangemoedig om die mark te ondersoek, en om by een van die maatskappye aan te sluit. Dit word aanbeveel om maatskappye soos Santam, Hollard en Zurich te nader vir sulke noodbystandspakette. Webwerwe >> hier As 'n laaste uitweg kan een van die insleepvennote gekontak word by hul dienssentrums, of skakel UTASA by 0861 188272.
UTASA UNITED TOWING ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA               A partnership that empoweres - Incorporated in Terms of Section 2
© UTASA - United Towing Association of South Africa : Website Design
Tel. 08611 UTASA - 08611 88272